This Is How To Fix SASSA R350 Approved But No Payment In Bank Account

A friend was lamenting a few months ago that even though his SASSA R350 got approved but no payment in his bank account.

As a friend, I simply encouraged him to be patient and that things would work out, however, the issue was never resolved even after 2 months.

However, the law of Karma caught up with me, well not me, but my girlfriend, and in a bid to help and salvage the issue, we had to do endless research, phone calls, going to SASSA, checking the opinion of others, etc. to find a solution.

How To Fix SASSA R350 Approved But No Payment

What I discovered is a culmination of trial and error in arriving at a solution and the aim of this guideline is to share with you the steps you can implement like ours to solve the problem of SASSA R350 approved but no payment.

While SASSA and the government can be commended for this life-saving initiative on the r350 and r370 grant payment, however, they fall short of helping people know the solution to being approved but not getting paid dilemma. They just kept silent without offering a solution and it is bad.

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6 Steps To Fix SASSA R350 Approved But No Payment In Bank Account

In life, you must pay attention to the very tiny things, after all, there is a thin line between life and death. Anyway, I have compiled the 6 major reasons why even though your SASSA SRD R350 is approved you are not getting paid.

Not only that but also the solution to fix it up as soon as possible!!

1. Time Duration

You cannot expect to be approved in June 2024 for example and get paid the same month, the payment will come in from July 2024 and continue like that.

So, in other words, if you see SASSA R350 approved for this month, just know that your money will start coming in from the next month.

If however, you have waited and the money did not show up yet, then continue reading on the next step(s) to take.

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2. Exceeded Bank Account Balance

SASSA SRD R350 and R370 are for people not having any source of income i.e. people without a job.

Now, when SASSA attempts to make payment to your bank account and the system detects that you already have huge money in your bank account that is beyond someone claiming of not working, then the system flags it and your payment remains on hold and not being paid.

3. Incorrect Contact Information Details

Discrepancies in your contact information on the SASSA computer database can trigger the SASSA R350 got approved but no payment phenomenon and heartache.

One thing you should know is that your contact details and information are synced continuously with details from home affairs in relation to your bank.

So if something is missing or not right, the system will not process your payment.

The solution here is to make sure your contact details and information are up to date, including but not limited to your South African ID details.

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4. Incorrect Bank Account Details

If the bank account number or details you submitted are incomplete or have an error, then it will also trigger the SASSA R350 got approved but no payment issue.

The solution here is to go back, check your submitted bank account information, and get it updated.

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5. Delayed Bank Account Verification

This aspect is not within your control but SASSA staff. This could be another reason why even though your SRD r350 or R370 is approved payment is yet to be made to you.

The solution here is to wait for them to complete their banking verification.

6. Workload And Technical Glitches

People working at SASSA are human beings and not robots, sometimes during peak periods of processing SASSA grants applications, and with too much work, your payment may be delayed.

The solution here is to be patient and wait!!

In addition, on very rare occasions, technical glitches may occur. These glitches may be network or internet-related. The solution here is to also wait because it is out of your control.

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The saga and heartache of SASSA R350 got approved but no payment stems from various problems which can be having incomplete contact details/banking information etc.

However, checking through the other 4 reasons is surely going to help you. However, for faster response time to solve this issue, go to the SASSA office and explain the situation to them, and also keep watch of any message or notification from SASSA on your phone and email address.

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