Standard bank to FNB Transfer Time ( How Long Does Payment Take Including Weekend)

South Africa’s largest bank by asset, Standard Bank has a general transfer time of 24 – 48 hours when payment is made to FNB without the instant or immediate option and also excluding weekends.

This guideline lays to rest doubts on the minds of people in getting to know the truths and not fairy tales on the real timeframe required.

At Mamzanzi, we comb all available resources, stemming from real-life experience as an active customer of the two bank accounts.

Our earlier tutorials on the payment time from Absa to Capitec and also Nedbank to Capitec revealed similar timeframes, however with infinitesimal differences which will be explored in this comprehensive update.

Despite being South Africa’s biggest and largest bank by asset, Standard Bank’s market share of 10.8 million customers, which pales in comparison to that of Capitec’s 21 million is slightly on par with FNB’s 11.49 million customers; this presents a huge window of inter-banking business opportunity of magnanimous voluminous transactions

In this guideline, an adequate explanation of using the instant or immediate payment option with its corresponding fees, and the pros and cons are fully explored.

How long does it take for money from Standard Bank to reflect in FNB is a question with the right answer on this page. Let us proceed.

Standard Bank To FNB Payment Transfer Time

Making the payment with the instant or immediate option gives a faster delivery time than using the normal or standard mode, the tips below explain it all.

1. Instant or Immediate Option

There are three mediums or channels to make payment to FNB using the instant or immediate option. The time frame is less than 2 hours for the money to reflect.

Please note that standard bank to FNB on instant or immediate payment option costs R9.50 for an amount below R500. Any amount above that costs more.

It is advisable to settle for R49 or R73 once off the monthly payment for these charges. It covers all transfer fees regardless of how many times per month!!

The use of each of these channels is explained below:

  • On The App

With an aggressive drive towards digital engagement, the Standard Bank App has been downloaded more than 5 million times.

When you make use of the standard bank App to send payment to FNB in the instant mode, the money reflects in FNB in less than 2 hours after sending it. A fee of R9.50 is required for amounts below R500 as explained above.

This assertion assumes that there is no internet delay, no network disruption, and no problem on the end of FNB!!.

  • Online ( EFT)

EFT payment from standard bank to FNB transfer time is less than 2 hours if it is done instantly or immediately. Charges are R9.50 for any amount less than R500.

  • Use of Standard Bank Card

From the ATM, if you make use of your standard bank card to make a money transfer to an FNB, the transfer time is also less than 2 hours if the instant option is what you selected.

Now, another thing to be aware of is that from Monday to Sunday, if you select the instant payment option, the money goes to FNB in less than 2 hours!!

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2. Standard /Normal Option

It is emphatically true that making payment from Standard Bank to FNB on the normal option takes roughly 6 hours – 36 hours i.e. nearly up to 2 days.

For any serious-minded transactions, it is generally not advisable to use the normal option because it can cause heartache and delay. I believe that paying R9.50 or roughly R15 for the instant option for any amount more than R1000 is not too much for faster delivery times!!

  • Use of Standard App

It takes roughly 6 hours – 36 hours, from my personal experience. Just make up your mind about getting the money the next day!!

  • Online ( EFT)

An EFT money payment from a standard bank to FNB takes between 6-36 hours if you make a standard or normal payment option.

  • Use of Standard Card

6-36 hours; however, in most cases, when you make the transfer using your card on an ATM, it gets to the recipient within 24 hours.

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How Long Does it Take to Transfer Money From Standard Bank to FNB During the Weekends and Holidays?

Please see the summary below:

  • Standard bank App To FNB: When sent on weekends ( Friday, Saturday, and Sunday), transfer time is less than 2 hours if the instant option is taken.
  • Online ( EFT): For weekend transactions, ( Friday, Saturday, Sunday), transfer time is less than 2 hours if immediate choice is chosen.
  • Standard bank card: On the instant payment option, it is less than 2 hours.

However, if you chose a standard or normal payment transfer from Standard Bank to FNB on weekends, see below:

  • Standard Bank to FNB: It can take up to 72 hours
  • Online ( EFT): Expect up to 72 ( i.e 3 days) hours of transfer time
  • Standard bank card: Same as above.
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