MTN Sim Swap Dial Number ( And Use of *173#, Online And WhatsApp Method)

This guideline is a classic representation of a full-scale, in-depth, well-articulated guideline on how to do an MTN sim swap and recover your lost number successfully.

Without an iota of doubt, this comprehensive guideline from the noncharlatan professionals at Mamzanzi is aimed at fortifying you in carrying out a self-help process to retrieve your lost, damaged, or stolen MTN number.

mtn sim swap

Before proceeding with steps to get back your lost MTN number, it is important you know the requirements and documents required. The following are briefs required.

  • A newly registered MTN starter pack
  • You will have a winning edge if the starter pack SIM card is registered in your name. Therefore, collecting free SIMs on the street is not advisable, unless you mandate it should be registered in your name and details on the spot.
  • Now, if you are going to an MTN shop or outlet, then you need to take with you your South African ID and proof of address. However, if you are going to do the SIM swap by yourself either online, ussd, or SMS, then no need for these physical documents.

The 4 Ways To Do MTN SIM Swap

Experience is the best teacher, having combined the most convenient ways, the proven 4 methods to implement a successful SIM swap for your MTN number are:

1. For Active SIM Card

For clarity, doing a sim swap for an active MTN number or line simply means the number or SIM card is still working and presently active.

It is either you want to change the size, probably from a normal size and reduce it to nano size. Most modern and latest mobile phones and smartphones are made for Nano SIM card slots.

Towing this path gives you leverage to get back your contacts, airtime, and MTN data because they will be backed up and transferred to the new SIM card, including your self-default ability to cancel call forwarding and retain your MTN roaming status settings.

If your situation falls in this aspect of doing a SIM swap for your active MTN number, line, or phone; implement the steps below:

  • From your normal MTN SIM card ( the one presently inside the phone), you will send an SMS to 44770.
  • Go to compose a new message and type ‘sim swap’ to 44770; After a short while, MTN will send a message containing a PIN to you. Please note down the PIN
  • Now remove the SIM card from the phone ( or leave it if you have another phone to use)
  • Now, take the newly registered MTN starter pack SIM card, and insert it inside another phone or the same phone ( i.e. if you have removed the old SIM from it)
  • On this new SIM card, go to compose message because you are going to send an SMS to 44770. You will type ‘swap 0628317888*5555# ( please note the space after swap). Then send the message to 44770
  • Please note that I assume that the MTN number you want to SIM swap is 0628317888 and also the PIN earlier received is 5555. Replace your values with the example I used here
  • After the message is gone, wait for about 5 minutes, then remove this second new starter pack and keep it safe somewhere.
  • Between 30 mins to 6 hours, the old SIM ( the first one i.e. the one you want to swap) will stop working; remove it from the phone and insert the new starter pack SIM card.
  • This new one will now have your number. Then dial your phone to know your MTN number line and recharge with airtime immediately.

Now, to the second method:

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2. For Lost, Stolen Phone or Damaged MTN SIM

The MTN SIM swap ussd code number is *135#; this code is primarily used if you want to get back your lost number that is either lost, a victim of a stolen phone, or if the SIM card is damaged ( i.e. not working).

This approach of doing SIM swap for MTN is a paradigm shift from the first method and is different because the stark reality here is that you will not get back your airtime, contacts, or data.

If you are in this situation and want to use the ussd code, the steps below guide you on how to do it:

  • Get a new starter pack SIM card ( please scroll up and see the requirements)
  • Then dial the ussd code for the MTN sim swap process, *135# from it
  • Select option 5 ( showing sim swap)
  • Pay attention to the details that pop upsome security questions will be asked of you ( I explained below)
  • If you excel positively with the security answers satisfactorily, then the SIM card will be done successfully and will start working approximately 6 hours later.
  • However, if you fail these questions and you repeat the SIM swap process 3 times and still fail, your number will be blocked. So take caution!!
  • The next step is that you need to remove the starter pack from the phone, and after 6 hours or the next day morning, put it back inside the phone and your number will be restored.

The third option;

3. By SMS

Sending an SMS is a great option to retrieve your lost number; however, it will only work if your SIM card is still active and working just like point 1 above.

To sim swap your MTN line using SMS, follow and implement the guidelines below:

  • Send an SMS message from your phone with the normal SIM.
  • Type sim swap from message compose to 44770; please note that a PIN (one-time pin, OTP) will be sent.
  • For more understanding and detailed guidelines please scroll up and read the first method

4. Going to MTN Shops

First and foremost, if you are an MTN contract customer, the above 3 options for doing a SIM swap may not work successfully for you.

In such a case, you will need to go to the nearest MTN shop outlet with your documents for the retrieval process.

In addition, for pay-as-you-go customers who tried the above 3 methods and were not successful, you also need to go to the shop outlet to solve this problem.

mtn sim swap ussd code

MTN SIM Swap Security Questions

Mastering and understanding the security questions is the key to having a successful SIM swap operation. If you fail the below-listed questions three times, your effort will be wasted and the number will blocked for a whopping 30 days.

So, read carefully and learn from the advice, tricks, and guidelines stated. Let us get started!!

1. Introduce yourself

When you dial 135 directly for the SIM swap process, then expect this first question. However, from my experience, this question is not needed if you made use of the ussd code or you sent an SMS.

Now, if you find yourself in this situation, just tell them your name and the area where you are. This is a normal protocol that the customer care representative will demand from you.

2. What is your MTN number?

You will be asked for your number and also if you are a contract or pay-as-you-go customer.

It is impossible to retrieve the line without knowing the number. In case you are lost or at a crossroads and probably forget your MTN mobile number, dial *135# to find out.

2. How long have you been using the MTN Number?

Wisdom is required here; 90% of people fail at this point. This question pops up when you dial the MTN sim swap ussd code, *135*5#

Being specific is not mandatory, all that is required is for you to give a timeframe that fits perfectly into the right answer for you.

options will be presented to you and you need to think deeply to choose the right one. The options may not come in the order belowthey may be arranged haphazardly

  1. 0-3 months
  2. 0-6 months
  3. months to 1 year
  4. year to 3 years
  5. years to 4 years
  6. years plus

3. Have you ever done a SIM swap before and when?

The quest and haste for getting back your lost number may affect your concentration here with this question on whether you have done an MTN sim swap for your number before.

It is much likely you have done it before especially if you have been using the number for more than 2 years. So all that is required from you is to think very well before choosing the right answer.

4. MTN points ( Are you on it)

This is the second most important question that you should endeavor to answer very well. The answer may make or break you in your quest to sim swap your MTN line.

This question, which unlike when trying to do a sim swap for Vodacom does not exist at all is a pointer to the high security standard that MTN places on privacy.

How do you know you are on MTN points if you are not even aware?

It may be hard, but wait, I will explain!!

  • If you have been a customer for more than 3 years, then automatically, you are on MTN points
  • If you were registered i.e. ricad with your South African ID for the MTN starter pack SIM card either recently or for a long time, it means you are and have MTN points
  • So consider these two scenarios and tips above, to answer!!

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5. What was your last Airtime bought

Do not stress about this answer if you are not sure. Give a figure that you are 100 percent sure of. It may even be that you borrowed airtimeSo if it was borrowed airtime you made last, tell them you borrowed the airtime and tell them the value.

Or else, just buy an airtime that will be loaded directly on the number and save yourself the stress of overthinking.

6. When Did Your Recharged Last

There is a stark difference between this question and the one directly above. If you use the trick above, then you should be able to confidently tell the customer care representative or the USSD code options the time and moment.

7. Phone You Last Used With The Lost MTN SIM Card

This is an unlikely question when doing the SIM swap. However, if this question comes up, be sure to give a straightforward answer. To make it easy for you, options will be displayed and you are required to choose the right one.

So prepare yourself with a likely answer to this question.

Frequently Asked Questions

Please understand that the MTN sim swap ussd code differs from country to country. For example, the ussd code is *135# if you are living in South Africa.

However, the MTN sim swap ussd code number is *173# if you are living in Nigeria.

With that clarification, the following are some frequently asked questions and related answers.

  • What is the MTN SIM Swap WhatsApp Number

Unlike Cell C and Vodacom, MTN do not currently have a WhatsApp number you can use to retrieve your lost number. This was done to avoid the ever growing SIM related frauds.

  • How long to sim swap MTN

If you try to get back your number anytime before 4 pm, then it will be ready before 8 pm that same day. If you implement the sim swap after 4 pm, it will be successful, but it will be ready the next day morning.

  • The SIM swap fails

The major reason why it failed is because the security questions were incorrect. You can try doing the SIM swap again for a maximum of three times.

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