This Is How To Do Cell C SIM Swap And Get Back Your Lost Number

While the easiest way to do Cell C SIM swap self-service is by calling 0847678287 from another Cell C number, the three other ways to get back your lost number are also fully discussed in this tutorial.

In this guideline, two essential steps are important for you to know and they are:

  • Knowing the requirements and documents needed for the success of the Cell C SIM Swap request
  • Knowing and answering correctly the security questions that will be required from you

cell c sim swap

This tutorial lays bares everything that is to know. Let us get started!!

Requirements and Documents Needed

For your self-service effort to get back your lost/stolen or damaged Cell C, the following are the requirements and documents needed:

  • A new Cell C starter pack SIM card
  • This starter pack SIM card must not be registered or RICAD, it should be a new SIM.
  • Your ID and proof of address ( this is not needed when you self-service; it is only needed if you walk into their shop or outlet)

For a contract Cell C number or line, your ID and proof of address are needed because you will need to walk into any of their nearest offices.

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Cell C SIM Swap Security Questions

One of the most difficult tasks when trying to retrieve and get back your lost Cell C number is to pass the security questions that will be asked of you.

So you must prepare yourself and get ready to answer them perfectly; the following are the security questions for your Cell C SIM swap;

1. What is your name?

The first question that will be asked is ‘What is your name’ or ‘ Can I know the name of the person I am talking with’. This question will be asked by the Cell C customer service staff.

The reason is that they want to know if the SIM card is in your name. By the rule of RICA, your SIM card should be registered in your name. Now, if you tell them your name, the next question that will be asked is listed below.

2. What is the Cell C number you want to SIM Swap?

You will be asked the number of the Cell C you want to SIM swap. Now, immediately, you tell them the number, and the customer service staff on the phone with you will ask you to hold on for about 1-2 minutes.

What the person is doing is running background checks on you and seeing if the Cell C number is registered in your name.

85% of people fail at this point; the next thing you may hear is ‘We are sorry, we cannot help you with the SIM swap. They will not tell you the reason why but this is the reason why.

So, next time you want to collect mahala / free SIM card on the street, make sure you ask the agent to register you in your name, ID, and/or passport number!!

But if the customer representative continues with the next two questions, know for sure that you passed these two important questions. Now, to the next SIM Swap question for Cell C.

3. Do you have a new Cell C Starter Pack SIM card?

Now, the customer service staff will ask if you have a new Cell C starter pack SIM card with you. Say yes. This starter pack should be in the pack, do not put it inside the phone.

Remember, the start pack should be the one that is not registered i.e. not RICA!!

What is needed is the serial number on the pack ; the staff will ask for the serial number, and then you call it out for the person.

The staff will check if it is RICA or not. If the SIM card is registered, it will be rejected, but if not ricad, you will be asked the next question.

4. What is the last amount recharged?

This is an intelligent question when attempting to do do Cell C SIM swap and you should be very detailed. The answer to this is the last airtime you loaded. Let us say you bought R20 Cell C airtime and two vouchers of R10 were given to you from the spaza shop, Somalia shop, or from anywhere.

It simply means the last airtime you recharged with is R10 and not R20!! but if the R20 was a single voucher and you loaded it once, then the last airtime recharged is R20. Please get this clear and do not be confused!!

Again, if you borrowed airtime from Cell C ( e.g. R3) before you lost your phone or it got stolen, then the last airtime/amount you recharged is the R3 you borrowed!!

Trick: If you cannot remember, just buy R2 or R5 airtime and load it directly on your lost cell C you want to SIM swap. Note, that it should be loaded directly on the number and not using voucher.

Then wait for about 10 minutes before you call Cell C to start the swap. So if you are asked about the last airtime, tell them. This trick works 100%.

5. How did you recharge your last airtime?

They want to know how you recharged. Just be honest with your answer during your attempt to SIM swap Cell C.. There are four options and they are:

    • With voucher: if you buy from the shop, Somalia, Spaza, etc. so far, something was printed for you and you loaded it by dialing *102*…., then this is a voucher. Just say you load a voucher
    • Borrow: If you borrow extra airtime/data, just say it
    • Bank: If you bought the airtime/recharge through your bank app, just mention it

Customer service sees everything, so do not lie, if you cannot remember, just say you cannot remember

6. When did you recharge the last airtime?

This is difficult to answer accurately, but from experience, just try to give a time frame. But if you are sure of when you bought the last airtime/data, just say it.

Now, to the two most important questions; if you fail it and pass the above, there is no way the SIM swap will be successful.

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7. The last 2 Numbers you called?

During your quest for a successful Cell C SIM swap, you will be asked the last 2 numbers you called. This, along with the next question is the most difficult question and to be honest with you, you may not know or remember.

But there is a trick to getting the answer. On a normal day, you are most likely to call:

  • Your boyfriend
  • Your girlfriend
  • your husband
  • your wife
  • Children

If you cannot remember, just try your luck and mention any two from the above!!

8. Two numbers you call frequently or regularly?

Just like above, this can be a very difficult question. However, it is not out of point to agree with me that on a normal day, the numbers you call regularly are those of either your:

  • boyfriend
  • girlfriend
  • husband
  • wife
  • children

Now with the above details out of the way, the following steps are what is needed to retrieve and get back your lost number.

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how to sim swap cell c without calling

How To Do Cell C SIM Swap

The following are proven ways to achieve this:

1. By SMS

This method allows you to SIM swap without the old SIM. To do this, follow the guidelines below:

  • Send SWAP to 0847678287 from another Cell C number ( e.g. from a friend)
  • An SMS will be received back requesting the serial number of the new starter pack SIM card with you. Type it and send it back.
  • After a while, security questions will be asked from you, reply
  • After this, follow the instructions on the phone and proceed.

2. Call 0847678287

This is the easiest way to do a SIM swap for your Cell C number because you can call them multiple times even if you continue to fail the security questions. 

You will need to call this number using another Cell C number and it is free. If you call using another network, you will pay for the calls.

Now, when you call, the above security questions will be asked from you and that is why you need to prepare yourself before calling them.

3. Going to Cell C office

If the above 2 methods fail, then you will need to go to the nearest office of Cell C and get it done.

In furtherance of the above guideline, the following are some notable issues you need to be aware of:

  • If the SIM swap fails, 99 percent of the reason is because you failed the security questions
  • The SIM swap request is free, you are not paying anyone
  • You cannot do a Cell C SIM swap online and also it cannot be done using the USSD code.
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