Absa To Tymebank Transfer Time ( How Long Does It take Including Weekend )

Excluding weekends and leveraging on the standard EFT payments mode, Absa to Tymebank transfer and payment time in South Africa is approximately 24-48 hours.

While this time frame is not entirely based on when you made the transfer and how you made it, this guideline elucidates on factors responsible for the actual delivery of transferred funds, medium used, weekdays, and whether you enabled immediate payment mode.

Absa To Tymebank Transfer Time

With the race to become the leading digital banking platform in the country, Absa with its approximate 11.8 million customers ( 2023 estimate) in comparison with Tymebank’s digital status serving as its original/main identity engages in daily transactions between the two financial institutions.

Absa’s immediate interbank payment gateway (IIP) boosted a faster response time in terms of delivery to Tymebank, however with a small fee of R9. So, for any serious payment or transfer transactions, I recommend this faster option

Tymebank’s 8.5 million customers engage in digital payment transfers to and from Absa daily!!

A general synopsis and breakdown of the varying payment times from Absa to Tymebank are further explained below.

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The following points are the total breakdown:

1. Instant And Immediate Transfer Option

Generally, when you initiate an online EFT payment from Absa to Tymebank and you choose the instant payment option, the fund arrives within 30 minutes to 1 Hour. This option ensured a faster delivery time.

  • Using Absa App

If you make the payment instantly or accept the instant payment option from your App, the money arrives in Tymebank within 30 mins- 1 hour.

  • Use of Absa Card

Going to an ATM with your Absa card to make payment to a Tymebank account, expect the money to reflect within 30 minutes to 1 hour.

Please understand that the instant or immediate payment options come with a price, of approximately R9.

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2. Standard Payment Option

The time frame is 24-48 hours if you make a payment transfer from Absa to Tymebank as I mentioned above earlier. This timeframe cuts across any medium or channel you used in making the payment, be it, the use of the Absa App, online EFT, or making use of the ATM.

From a professional point of view and for any serious person, the normal or standard option is not recommended because it delays too much. If you are in an emergency, do not use the standard option.

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How Long Does Absa To Tymebank Transfer Time Take to Reflect on Weekends and Holidays?

The following contains clarification on the time for this important question:

  • Instant/Immediate Payment Options

It’s 30 minutes to 1 Hour: This is from personal experience. If you send money or payment on weekends, starting from Friday, Saturday, and even Sundays and you choose the instant/immediate payment, the recipient gets the money within this time.

So for EFT transfers on weekends using the instant payment option, the fund arrives within 30 minutes to 1 hour. But remember that you will pay the transfer fees and it can go high to R50 depending on the amount you are transferring.

  • Normal/Standard Payment Options

Payment made on Friday and Saturday from Absa to Tymebank takes approximately 72 hours i.e. more than 3 days for the fund to reflect because it will be processed starting from Monday.

Payment sent on Sundays takes more than 1 day for the fund to go through because it will be processed the next day

  • For Holidays

Instant payment options take within 30 minutes to 1 Hour. For the normal or standard payment option, it depends on when the holiday finishes and this is when it will be processed.

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