This Is How To Cancel Subscription on Telkom Mobile South Africa And Unsubscribe

While the best and most convenient way to cancel subscriptions on Telkom is by dialing the USSD code *180#, this guideline explains how to use it and also traverses the use of the App and online approach to complement the use of the USSD code.

1 out of every 10 Telkom users complains of missing airtime or disappearing data; the truth is that the chief culprit behind this issue is from both unwanted subscriptions on Telkom and sometimes from the user’s phone. In this guideline, we will focus on unwanted subscriptions and how to stop, cancel, and terminate them completely.

While Telkom Mobile South Africa seems to be basking in the euphoria of being the third largest network in the country eclipsing Cell C, they have forgotten about the unsatisfactory complaints from their customers about missing airtime and epileptic quality network provision.

how to cancel subscription on telkom

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How To Cancel Subscription on Telkom Mobile

Before proceeding with ways to cancel all unwanted subscriptions, you must check these subscriptions to know the ones you do not need.

After you are sure of your choices, then follow the guidelines below:

1. Using Telkom USSD Code

The quick, fastest, and most convenient way to stop and cancel all forms of subscriptions on Telkom is by dialing the USSD code, *180#.

When you dial these Telkom mobile USSD ( *180#) codes to cancel unwanted subscriptions, it will activate, spurn into action, and initiate a pop-up action containing the menu of action.

Please understand that no matter the subscriptions you are currently on ( e.g. news updates, games, top-up airtime, etc) leveraging on the use of your data and airtime, the USSD code, *180# stops all of them.


  • Dial *180# from your phone or mobile handset
  • Locate and go to Telkom Plus ( Seen on option 5)
  • Locate and go to self-service ( seen on option 9)
  • Click option 1 to see all active subscriptions
  • Look for the subscription services you do not want or simply choose all
  • Delete and unsubscribe ( in addition, check all pending activations and cancel them)
  • Wait for cancellation confirmation from Telkom to be sure you have done it successfully.
  • When the message or SMS arrives, it will tell you that you are no longer subscribed or that it is canceled.

Please note that doing this is free of charge, you are not paying for it!!

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2. Using The Telkom App

You will need to download and install the Telkom App on your mobile phone for you to be able to use it to unsubscribe from any subscriptions on Telkom.

To do that is not rocket science and the guidelines below will guide you:

  • Go to the Google Play Store and download the Telkom App
  • Install the App, register with your Telkom number, and select a password. After this, login
  • Navigate to my products tab ( usually on the top right-hand corner of the page)
  • Chose and select the subscriptions option
  • Go to the content services option and from here you can see all the subscriptions on your account
  • Chose all or select the ones you want to stop and proceed with the cancellation
  • Confirmation will be required from you, proceed with the cancellation
  • You will receive an SMS that the subscription services have been terminated

3. Going Online

You can cancel Telkom subscription services by going online, however, it is their official South African website that you will need to go to.

To do that, follow these guidelines below:

  • Go to
  • Locate login or sign up ( click sign up to register just like the above description)
  • Login with your phone number and chosen password
  • Go to product services, select content services, and all subscriptions will be displayed.
  • Chose the one you want to delete and proceed
  • A confirmation for the deletion will be required from you either through SMS. Proceed with the confirmation message.

telkom subscription cancellation ussd code

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While kudos need to be accented to Telkom for being aggressive on their mobile unit growth and for enabling the average South African access to a good network through their cheap offerings, however, more needs to be done on the quality of their network, especially during rainy or winter seasons.

As part of Mamzanzi’s efforts to complement the works of Telkom, this guideline is published to help their numerous customers with detailed guidelines on their quest.


In conclusion, canceling Telkom subscriptions is not rocket science. While there are three valid ways to achieve this as explained above, the use of the Telkom mobile USSD code, *180# is the quickest and most reliable means to do that.

In addition, to use the USSD code, you do not need airtime and you also do not need an internet connection, unlike the other two methods.

It is advisable to check the subscriptions you have first before deleting them. Also, deleting them does not mean that the already accrued bills will be terminated. The bills must be paid and after this, there will not be any charges again.

If however, the problem arises, just contact Telkom straightaway and sort things out.

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