Top 5 Ways To Stop Airtime Disappearing On Cell C And Know What Is Eating Your Airtime)

I have experienced it all, I mean airtime disappearing on Cell C, etc. I have been a customer of Cell C for over 7 years now and I am still using their network, not because they are excellent but because important details are attached to the number.

This guideline on how you can stop all forms of disappearing airtime and decipher what is presumably eating your airtime stems from my own experience, the trial and error to fix it, and the eventual solution I got.

How To Stop Airtime Disappearing On Cell C

I will be sharing these fact-finding details and information with you, unraveling the culprits of your missing Cell C airtime and how to put an end to it finally.

5 Ways To Stop Cell C Airtime From Disappearing

The solutions in this guideline look very similar in steps to stop airtime from disappearing on MTNhowever with slight input and differences.

1. Out of Bundle Data Rates

The first and most annoying reason why your Cell C airtime is being eaten is due to out of bundle data rates issue and the way to stop it is to buy and stick to a data bundle.

I bought a 500MB Cell C data bundle for R9 for just 1 day after loading r20 airtime ( dial *141# for this deal). However, my battery went flat and the phone switched off so I plugged it in to charge. I went out, but unfortunately, the phone came up and my data also came up. Can you imagine that without using it, the data finished and Cell C ate my remaining R11 airtime balance?

This despicable act is both disgusting and unacceptable and that is why I do not use my Cell C for anything data-related but rather stay with Vodacom.

Even though, a new data regulations law that came into effect in 2019 stipulated that South African mobile Telecom companies should not use customers’ airtime as data without their consent, Cell C is flagrantly abusing this and I am a victim of the incident.

The solution to the out-of-bundle data rates problem is just to have enough data, make sure you do not have any airtime as balance and always check your data balances quite often ( Cell C does notify you, so keep an eye on your message folder).

If you do not do this, trust me, your airtime will disappear!!

2. Unsubscribe from Cell C WASP/Content services

The second major reason why your Cell C airtime disappears is that you are most likely subscribed to some of the network’s WASPs services.

In most cases, many customers do not even know they are subscribed to such stuff, and the few that are aware also do not fully grasp that it is not free.

Now, the question of how do I know I am on Cell C subscription services now beckons.

Well, just dial *133*1# and everything will be displayed on your mobile phone screen to see!!

After knowing the services, the second question now ishow do I then cancel this subscription (s)?

I published a great piece on steps to unsubscribe from Cell C subscriptions, check it out to grasp the full information or simply call 0847678287 and request that WASP services on your mobile number be terminated.

3. Stop Auto Airtime Top Up/Airtime Advance

Like a cunny and subtle snake, the use of automatic airtime top or advance, though good has shown to be one of the culprits behind Cell C airtime disappearance.

Even though, the motive is a good gesture for excellent customer service and satisfaction, gross abuse and negligence on the part of customers might make them suffer these avoidable consequences!!

If you are a new Cell C customer, the company automatically enters you into its automatic top-up airtime and data advance.

Even though the motive is a good gesture for excellent customer service and satisfaction, gross abuse and negligence on the part of customers might make them suffer these avoidable consequences and honestly, some people are tired!!

To know if you are on Cell C’s automatic top-up system,

Dial *147#, locate emergency recharge/top-up, follow your mobile phone screen instructions and it will be shown to you.

To cancel this auto-top, dial the same code *147# above, go to emergency/top up, follow the screen instructions and you will see where you can opt-out!!

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4. Stop the Background data App that is running

Cell C is exonerated in this case. I simply call this act the unknown, subtle, and quiet thief eating your Cell  C airtime.

Let me explain!!

Most Apps run in the background to update themselves even when you are not using the App; they make use of your data and in case your data is finished, they go straight to your airtime and use it to update themselves.

So how do I stop these Apps from running background data that is making my Cell C airtime disappear? The options available to you are:

  1. Switch off your data when you are not using it at that moment
  2. Delete any App you are not using
  3. Go to the settings on your phone, to data settings, and switch off background data

Please note that when watching YouTube or even online games and you just leave the App on without even using it, the App will continue to run.

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5. Phone settings ( Geolocation Monitoring)

Not all phones do this, however, approximately 85% of phones use your data and your airtime for geolocation monitoring and updates.

If you observed that after implementing the above steps your Cell C airtime or data is still disappearing, the culprit or rather thief is your phone and not Cell C in this case!!

Most phones do this when idle and the best solution is to switch off your data when you are not using it!!

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