Top 2 Things That Has Neck But No Head Riddle Answer

While this is a riddle, this question often transcends ordinary thinking but requires someone with a fast-thinking initiative and healthy IQ to decipher and get the answer right.

What has a neck but no head is an age-long riddle that traversed decades from time immemorial and both the question and its accompanying answer stay relevant even till today.

what has a neck but no head riddle

15 years ago as a student in college and later graduating from University, an addiction to reading books from Shakespeare and abstract books about the universe, metaverse, and things beyond the ordinary has helped equip my mental alertness and IQ to vast and curious questions that demand answers.

Not being stereotypical and naive though, my quintessential similitude to issues around me and about life helped exemplify my simple answer to complex questions, of which what has a neck but no head is not an exception.

While basking in the euphoria of ingenuity embedded in me, I discovered that there are just 2 basic things that truly have a head but no neck.

Without juxtaposition of blurred reality to the perfect answers, I will go into the comprehensive analysis of these three things.

Top 2 Things That Have Neck But No Head

After a comprehensive analysis, the following are the things with a neck but no head:

1. Bottle

a bottle has neck but no head

Please understand that this question is a riddle that requires in-depth thinking to get the perfect answer. It may look and sound abstract, but that is how it is.

To an ordinary man, you may think that the answer to what has a neck but no head has to do with humans or something that has life e.g. animals, etc. But in this context, the answer transcends far beyond human or animal connection.

The first answer to ‘ what has a neck but no head’ is Bottle!!

Now, let us look at the facts and factors why choosing a bottle came up as the first answer to this riddle. I will digress a little bit, I once watched this movie titled ‘ The Gods must be crazy’; it was a classic movie that was shot in the early 80s. The film depicts a stark illiterate man from the jungles of Africa who on seeing a bottle that fell from a moving helicopter thought that the Gods above sent it to him.

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His quest to decipher the meaning of a bottle, probably a Coca-Cola bottle led to so many discoveries, laughter, humor etc.

Now, the bottom line is that the creation of a bottle has been for ages. According to Wikipedia, a bottle is defined as a narrow-necked container, having a mouth, but it stops there without mentioning the presence of a head.

Further down the definition and history, a bottle has assumed the same shape and dimension from time immemorial. For example, the image above shows a bottle that was produced in 1872 by Hiram Codd; a closer look at the bottle shows that it has a neck and mouth, but no head.

what has neck but no head

With advancements in design, production, and manufacturing, the same concept of what a bottle represents has not changed; it still has the same neck and mouth but no head.

The significance of a bottle cannot be overemphasized, virtually all drinks and bottled products are packaged in either glass bottles or plastic bottles. Even the highly respected organix farmacy for belly fat reduction tablets is packed in a plastic bottle.

In terms of violence, the use of plastic bottles is much safer than the use of glass bottles as it is being used for committing violence e.g. the YNW Melly release date trial and the no mercy in Mexico gruesome acts ( See video).

However, deep research indicated that the use of glass bottles is more healthy than the conventional use of plastic bottle packaging according to the Michigan State University research.

The summary here is that when you are looking for what has a neck but no head, look no further than a bottle, this is the first answer!!

2. Shirt

Tshirt has a neck but no head

In an unusual twist of the event on the quest to find the second answer to the riddle, what has a neck but no head‘; I dived into an unfamiliar territory of fashion to discover the hidden answer.

I discovered that the second answer is a shirt!!

It does not matter the kind of shirt it is, whether it T-shirt, V-neck, or polo shirt; all of them have one thing in common and that is they all have a neck but actually without a head.

It sounds and looks curious, right?

I opened my wardrobe, brought out all my shirts and one thing is common with all of them. They all have necks but they do not have heads.

a shirt has presence of neck but without head

In as much as a shirt is designed to work either directly from the host head or through your arms, the paradox issue is that the shirt in itself does not have a head.

This brings to the narrative conclusion that a shirt is the second thing that has a neck but it does not have a head.

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